Stationery Gas Analyser
It uses the double pass light transmission measurement technique, with a folded beam Transceiver/Reflector arrangement. A light beam emitted from the Transceiver (TRX) passes across the duct, stack or flue to a Reflector, which then returns the light to the Transceiver where the intensity of the received light is measured. Increased particulate or smoke density in the stack gas attenuates the transmitted light and causes the intensity of the received light to fall. This reduction in intensity is measured and presented as % opacity. The higher the level of particulate or smoke present, the more light lost and therefore, the greater the opacity.
- In situ measurement directly in exhaust gas flow
- In-situ zero and calibration check facility
- Measurement reading as % Opacity
- Simpler installation than single pass opacity monitors
- Better accuracy over shorter path lengths than single pass opacity monitors
- Rugged 316 stainless steel construction, with no moving parts so low maintenance
Photon S – CEMS system with NDIR sensors
Photon S is madur’s most recent and most sophisticated apparatus. It was created based on portable gas analyser – Photon. As its precursor it also uses NDIR gas sensors as the main measurement method – it can have 9 of them supplemented with 4 EC cells. Along with power supply with control center and the most efficient gas dryer this modular CEMS system is available to mount in 19” open frame rack. It is tailored to very specific demands of customer, what is possible thanks to lot of available extensions and add-ons.
Main Features:
- 19″ Rack Fits AnlayserWith 6.4” VGA(640×480) Display With Touch-Pad For Results
- Room For 9 NDIR Sensors And 4 EC Cells
- Measurement Of Ambient And Gas Temperatures And Atmospheric And Differential Pressures
- Measurement Of Chimney Draft And Flow Velocity (With Help Of Pitot Tube)
- Analogue Outputs / Inputs, Digital Outputs / Inputs & Relays Output
- Large SSD (Solid State Drive) For Storage Of Measurement Data
- Calculation Of Combustion And Related Parameters
- RS232C And Ethernet Ports For Communication With PC Computer
- several versions of driers available – combination of NAFION® and Peltier exchangers
Gases: SO2, NO, NO2, CO, O2, HF, NH3, NOX, N2O, H2O, O3, HCN, CH4, D2O, HDO, HCL, VOC, Etc.,
Note: Consult Dealer for Other Gases.